Friday, January 2, 2009


This blog will contain some of the art of Susan Hensley of Blacksburg, Virginia.
Her work includes watercolor, collage, and digital photography. The art is mostly abstract and contains some expressionism or some impressionism.

Susan is a member of the Blacksburg Regional ART Association.
She is always interested in experimenting with new mediums; she enjoys meeting other artists and art appreciators and sharing ideas.


  1. Susan, how do you define the terms "abstract", "expressionism" and "impressionism"? It would add to my understanding of your art if I could know. Vik

  2. Abstract refers to art that isn't realistic--eg. we can't say the picture is of a house or
    dog. Impressionism [see Claude Monet] is the artist's impression of reality--eg his/her point of view of the house, dog, etc. Expressionsim refers to the artist expressing
    him/herself in emotive ways rather than cognitive way. I make art primarilary through my emotions and perceptions/expressions of color. Hope this helps. Thanks, Susan

  3. Pablo Picasso's "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" is clearly a picture of 5 women, everybody recognizes that. However Picasso's cubism is part of the foundation of what is considered abstract art today. Cubism is an abstraction of form. Fauvism is an abstraction of color. Don't you find the terms representational, and non-representational art better terms to fit your defenitions?
    My understanding of impressionism was it was the artists attempt to capture their impressions of light color and atmosphere of any given moment.
    --I'm not picking on you. I just miss these college level art discussions. Don't you love to think about art too?
    I ask this because I've seen your abstract expressionist paintings. But the work you've done here isn't, by either of our defenitions, abstract. The two images transcend the singular meanings of each of them and become something so much more. It really is thought provoking work.

  4. Yes, I love to talk about art and you make some probably valid points. This post isn't the watercolor collage work so I'll post some of that, too.
